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Ioannis Ventouris

Ioannis Ventouris holds

  • a B.A. in Greek and English Language and Literature from the Department of English Language and Literature, School of Philosophy, University of Athens,
  • a Postgraduate Diploma of Advanced Studies in Education (Linguistics and English Language Education) from the Institute for English Language Education, University of Lancaster, U.K. and
  • an M.A. in Language Studies (Theoretical and Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching) from the Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language, University of Lancaster, U.K.

He also holds

  • a Postgraduate Certificate in the Communicative Teaching of English from the Institute for English Language Education, University of Lancaster, U.K. and
  • an one-year Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Education (Trainers Education in New Networking and Computing Systems) from the University of Macedonia.

Professional Profile

  • He is a teacher, working at Greek state secondary general and technical-vocational schools since 1996.
  • He worked as a librarian at a school library (2000-2001) and as a trainer at the in-service teacher training programme for the use of ICT in education (2001-2003).
  • He was seconded to the Pedagogical Institute, Department for Vocational and Technical Education (2006-2009).
  • He is currently attached to the Institute of Educational Policy as a Consultant in the field of Social Sciences specialized in research. He is a member of the Scientific Office for Educational Research and Assessment and the Scientific Unit of Humanities and Literature (Foreign Languages Subdivision).

Publications & Projects

He has published articles and conducted research on the following fields:

  • English language teaching and learning
  • Use of ICT in schools and classrooms
  • Educational use of the Arts
  • Teacher education and training
  • Educational and social research

His research interests focus on

  • Educational linguistics and ELT
  • Educational technology and innovation
  • Use of ICT and digital media in education
  • Educational use of the Arts
  • Teacher education and training
  • Educational evaluation and assessment
  • Educational policy
  • Educational and social research

He has participated in the following projects/programmes:

  • “The connection of technical and vocational schools curricula to the labour market”. Research project of the former Pedagogical Institute (2008)
  • European programme “eTwinning” (2013-2014)
  • Educational evaluation in secondary education: School self-evaluation (2013-2014)

He has participated in numerous conferences, seminars, one and two-day events in Greece and abroad. He has given a number of talks and has made announcements regarding his aforementioned research and educational interests.

He was a teacher educator in the “Major Training Program” training EFL teachers.

He has been a mentor for university students of the Department of English Language and Literature, University of Athens in the initial teacher education programme.

He is an examiner of oral production for the “State Language Proficiency Certificate” for the English language (CEF levels A, B and C).

He is an ICT certified tutor enlisted in the official register of the Greek Ministry of Education. He has a certification in ICT level A’, has attended ICT training level B’, while he is currently attending the education of trainers programme for ICT level B’.

Παραλαβή και Παρακολούθηση Αναφορών στο ΙΕΠ βάσει του ν. 4990/2022 (Α΄ 210)


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

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