giannis antoniou



Ioannis Antoniou

Curriculum Vitae





Chairman of the Institute of Educational Policy, November 2019 – 8.8.2023.

Director of Studies in ‘Nea Genia Ziridis’ private school, 2015-2017.

Member of the Board of the Institute of Educational Policy, 2013-2015.

Vice-president of the Executive Committee for the Experimental Schools, 2011-2015.

Principal of the 2nd ου Experimental Junior High School of Athens, 2007-2015.


Secondary-education teacher, 1980-2015.

Tutor in the Hellenic Open University, 2006-2016.


PhD in the History of Technology, NTUA/NKUA, 2004.
Visiting Scientist in Virginia Technological Institute and University, 2004.
Master’s Degree in the History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technology, NTUA/NKUA, 2000.
BA from the School of Philosophy NKUA, 1976.


  1. S. & N. Tsalapata Brickwork Factory (1917-1978), Athens, Cultural Institute of Piraeus Bank, 2009.
  2. of National Identities of Engineers, their Past and Present, Atlanta, USA, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) History and Technology Volume 23, n.3, September 2007. Guest editor with M. Assimakopoulos and K. Chatzis.
  3. Greek Engineers, Institutions and Ideas, 1900-1940. Athens, Vivliorama, 2006.

Paper presentations and publications:


 Paper presentations in Greek and international scientific conferences and meetings.
Publications papers in Greek and international scientific journals and books.  

Kouzelis Gerasimos

Gerasimos Kouzelis was a professor of Epistemology and Sociology of Knowledge at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens. He was born in Athens in 1953 and studied sociology, philosophy and political science at the Universities of Marburg and Frankfurt. He supported his PhD thesis at the University of Frankfurt in 1986.

He taught sociology and philosophy at the following universities: University of Frankfurt, University of Aegean, University of Thessaloniki, University of Athens and Panteion University. He has been invited to give lectures at the University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin), University of London, University of Cyprus and European University Cyprus, University of Instanbul (Bosphorus University), University of Tel Aviv, University of Florence, University of Frankfurt, University of Jena, University of Harvard, and at most Greek universities. Furthermore, he was a visiting research scholar at the Remarque Institute, University of New York.

He has researched and written about Critical Theory, Sociology of Knowledge, Education and Technology, Epistemology of Social Sciences, the types of power in everyday relationships, poverty and racism. He has run since 2010 twenty research programs: • Assessment of School Innovation Network • Intercultural Training of Custody Staff • Greek Language and History Learning for Migrant parents • Fundamental Rights Education in Europe (Daphne) • Training of Third Countries Citizens • Intercultural Training for Public Servants • Cooperating at the Historical Centre • Annotated Scientific Bilingual Publication of the Complete Works of Aristotle • Democratic Education

 He has published seventeen books, the most recent of which are the following:

  • Kouzelis, G. and Christopoulos, D. (editors) (2012). Citizenship. Political Speech, History and Rules in Comparative Prospective, Athens: Patakis Publications.
  • Kouzelis G. et al. (2013), Criminal Justice System Personnel. Education and Training. What about Fundamental Rights? A European Typology, Athens and Florence: FREE and European Commission.
  • Kouzelis, G. (2014). Fascism and Democracy, Athens: Nisos Publications.

Sotirios Glavas

Sotirios Glavas has a Bachelor degree in History and Archaeology, School of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During his studies he received a scholarship from the National Institute of Scholarships (1969-1972) and later a second scholarship from the «Mycenian Foundation ING» (1973-1975).
He has a PhD degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
He had been appointed as a philologist in Secondary Education and had taught in Junior High Schools as well as High Schools. He had served at the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Education (1990), as a Studies Director for the Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education (1990-1993) and as a Special Consultant for the Ministress of National Education (2004-2006).
Furthermore, he served as Associate Councilor and Councilor for the Philologists at the Pedagogical Institute. He was also Vice-chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and from January 2013 to 20.11.2015 Chairperson at the Institute of Educational Policy.
He was Special Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and Chairperson at the Institute of Educational Policy (2013-2015).
Moreover, he was Vice-President of the Primary and Secondary Education Council (SPSE/ESYP) and participated in many corporate bodies as a member of Management Board and Scientific Associations.
For many years, he had taught in Higher Education the course “History of Education” at the School of Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) as well as the course “History of Educational Policy” at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Athens (2004-2015).
He has a great and diverse written work: books, studies and articles published in various scientific journals.
He has developed a great scientific and research activity as a temporary Scientific Associate of the Academy of Athens Antiquity Center, as a member of a scientific science excavation of the Mycenae Religious Center, as a scientific associate of the Museum of Thebes and in charge of much research work at the Pedagogical Institute.
He has participated as a speaker and lecturer in many scientific congresses, conferences and in many training seminars in Greece and abroad.
He has participated in hundreds of committees and work groups of administrative nature at the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs as well as at the Pedagogical Institute, where he was responsible for the authoring of numerous scientific works and books.

Alexis Dimaras

Alexis Dimaras (1932-2012) studied at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Athens and he continued his postgraduate studies in London. He was founding member and Chairperson of the Association of Studies in Modern Greek Culture and General Education, Moraitis School. Furthermore, he was Chairperson of the Greek Educational Research Centre and the Institute of Educational Policy. He held a PhD from the University of London and he was also an honorary doctor of the University of Athens and the University of Patras. Moreover, he was awarded with the Commander of The Order of The Phoenix by the French government in 2011, an unprecedented honor in Greece. The most known among his works are the following: the two-volume work “The Transformation that never happened”, Athens, 1973, Hermes publications, “The National Apolytirion, a proposition that took place, Documents for History”. Athens, 1997, Hermes publications, “Moraitis School 1936-2006: Browsing through 70 years of Education, Athens, 2006”, Moraitis School Publications. He edited the two-volume work “Miltos Koundouras, Close the Schools” Educational Complete Works, Athens, 1985, Gnosi Publications. He published numerous studies and articles in many collected volumes and magazines. He also published along with Vasso Vasilou-Papageorgiou the historical book-album “From the Quill to the Computer”, Athens, 2011, Metaixmio Publications.
(Source: Metaixmio Publications)

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