Section B: Study Curricula and Educational Material

Section B: Study Curricula and Educational Material belongs to the Scientific Section of IEP and engages with the elaboration of opinions and recommendations in accordance with the provisions in force, for the training and enhancement of study curricula and educational material regarding Primary and Secondary Education. It particularly focuses on issues pertaining to: a. Primary Education b. Humanities and Social Sciences c. Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology d. The Arts, and e. Vocational Education.

The Department’s responsibilities include the study of every kind of material and data for the operation of the educational system along with the issuance of opinions for the implementation of corresponding research and educational programs in Primary and Secondary Education structures.

Section B of IEP breaks down into the following Scientific Units:

  • Scientific Unit of Primary Education
  • Scientific Unit of Human Sciences and Social Sciences
  • Scientific Unit of Vocational Education and Apprenticeship
  • Scientific Unit of Natural Sciences, Technology, Mathematics and the Arts
  • Scientific Unit of Foreign Languages

The Heads of the Scientific Units, that is coordinators, are appointed by decision of the Governing Board. The above mentioned Scientific Units exercise their jurisdiction on the relevant subject matters and they support, within their scope, the aims and objectives of IEP and the Governing Board.


Polyxeni Billa
Greek Language Teacher
Consultant A2131335351pmpilla[at]
Greek Language Teacher
Consultant B2131335306a.tourimpampa[at]
Computer Science Teacher
Consultant A2131335359k.zervas[at]
Computer Science Teacher
Consultant B2131335105o.vlouchaki[at]
Primary School Teacher
Consultant A2131335105a.likouri[at]
Social Sciences Teacher
Consultant B2131335353i.papadaki[at]
Greek Language Teacher
Consultant B2131335306v.vartzioti[at]
Greek Language Teacher
Electronics Teacher
Consultant B2131335357s.outsios[at]
Primary School Teacher
Consultant B2131335334n.damaskinou[at]
Consultant B2131335359s.dimitropoulou[at]
Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant B2131335410e.lampropoulou[at]
Arts and Crafts Teacher
Consultant B2131335360e.palla[at]
Varvara Anastasiadou
Kindergarten Teacher
Mixail Batas
Greek Language Teacher
Consultant B2131335304m.mpatas[at]
Ilias Boultzis
Economics Teacher
Consultant B2131335358i.mpoultzis[at]
Evangelia Chrisovergi
Consultant B2131335308e.chrisovergi[at]
Maria Efstathiou
Consultant A2131335554m.efstathiou[at]
Dimitrios Eustratiou
English LanguageTeacher
Consultant B2131335303d.efstratiou[at]
Eleni Fragkou
German LanguageTeacher
Consultant B2131335304e.fragkou[at]
Konstantia Galanopoulou
Civil Engineer - Architect
Consultant B2131335358k.galanopoulou[at]
Eirini Georgaki
Consultant A2131335408e.georgaki[at]
Athanasios Giannikas
Primary School Teacher
Consultant A2131335302agiannikas[at]
Konstantinos Kousoulos
Computer Science Teacher
Evangelos Mavrikakis CV icon
Economics Teacher
Consultant A2131335357emavrikakis[at]
Paraskeui Moutsaki
Varvara Panagioti
Primary School Teacher
Sofia Papageorgiou
Kindergarten Teacher
Consultant B2131335412s.papageorgiou[at]
Chrysoula Papalazarou
English LanguageTeacher
Pinelopi Papastratou CV icon
French Language Teacher
Consultant B2131335303pinelopipap[at]
Anastasia Stamatopoulou
German LanguageTeacher
Georgia Trabidou
Consultant A2131335207g.trampidou[at]
Irini Triantafilli
Music Teacher
Theodoros Tsiavos
Ioannis Ventouris CV icon
English LanguageTeacher
Consultant B2131335305iventouris[at]
Dimitrios Zympidis
Primary School Teacher
Consultant A2131335302dzimpidis[at]


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

Παραλαβή και Παρακολούθηση Αναφορών στο ΙΕΠ βάσει του ν. 4990/2022 (Α΄ 210)

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